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Digital formats change with astonishing speed. The Adobe Creative Suite for PC is already updated for the 2024 version since mid-late 2023. The Adobe Creative Cloud bundle offers Adobe software from its' developers for rent monthly instead of buying the expensive materials and owning them in hard copy. The "rent" prices are relatively feasible. Students pay less. Adobe mutually agreed to terminate with Figma, a company founded in 2012 that makes the Adobe platform easily available for sophisticated web applications  in workflows. It was a break up due to mandated deregulation with prepared statements by both sides. The large deal was called off in the last quarter of 2023.



Libraries and the internet contribute to more that 80% of news research and information sharing. Furthermore, libraries are a friend to the internet as much as the internet is keen on information sharing. Open Access is a library movement striving to bring the internet to all users, for example. Open Access is a global movement. Its' goal is free internet access for research to anyone without an internet connection. University libraries have been a leader in research via online access. The internet Age now alludes to the internets' age.



Microsoft: What happened to Windows 9?
Windows 8 went directly to Windows 10 in late 2015. This left the users wondering "where is my operating system going."  Key to programming is that windown 95 or 98 might offer confusion over the matter in many programming languages. 



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